Featured Articles

  • Reunion Music

    Side A

    Not a review of the Reunion per se, but of the music that made the party.

    I pulled into the hotel after a ride through heavy traffic. How many times do you get to step into an event twenty years after you’ve essentially disappeared from the lives of a bunch of people with whom you came of age?


Daily Scripture

  • Planted by the Stream

    Bill is an older retired gentleman who lives alone and recently had to give up driving. He needs help to pick up groceries, prescriptions, and get to church on Sundays....


Grace alumni batch websites and mailing lists.

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# Web Link Hits
1   Link   GCHS 1978
Grace Christian High School Batch 1978 on Multiply
2   Link   GCHS 1980
Grace Christian High School Batch 1980 website
3   Link   GCHS 1982
Grace Christian High School Batch 1982 Google group
4   Link   GCHS 1983
Grace Christian High School Batch 1983
on Multiply
5   Link   GCHS 1984
Grace Christian High School Batch 1984.
With links to Facebook group page, Yahoo e-group page and Multiply
6   Link   GCHS 1985
Grace Christian High School Batch 1985.
7   Link   GCHS 1986
Grace Christian High School Batch 1986

Facebook group can be found on: http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=5363928837
8   Link   Grace Christian Scouts
Grace Christian High School Scouts alumni site
9   Link   Grace Alumni Association FB Page
Grace Alumni Association Facebook Page
10   Link   Grace Christian Alumni FB group
Grace Alumni Facebook group